Our long term vision for conservation in Africa

As a result of the pandemic the conservation of the nature and wildlife of Africa, and the people who are their guardians came under immense pressure. Together with The Nature Conservancy, this has catalysed our belief that we need to rethink how we have historically operated in these areas to build real long-term sustainability.

  • In the medium term, we need to support the core industry at the heart of conservation, the safari tourism industry – this fund.

  • In the long term, we need to build resilience in the conservation sector that changes the paradigm. Communities at the heart of these ecosystems need to have multiple tools to grow and build that resilience; tourism; access to carbon credit markets; endowments; and recognition from the investors, businesses and governments that these communities will be at the heart of efforts to retain forests, wilderness areas and biodiversity.


The Thirdway Partners Philosophy

At ThirdWay Partners, we don't believe in sustainability as an aspiration, a moral choice at the whim of good intentions or a nice-to-have for the glossy pages of an annual report. We know that every successful business depends upon meeting the needs of a myriad of stakeholders; that making money relies upon communities, the environment and the people you serve. ThirdWay Partners engineers investment solutions in a new paradigm where sustainability becomes an absolute. By seeking to integrate all the stakeholders, we manage risks and drive real returns.